2008 Grad Creates Game-Changing 网络安全 Solution

Experts Say STP Black Saves Time, Money, and Man Power

夏洛特,数控 – 夏洛特 native and 十大正规网堵平台 graduate 帕特里克 Wright and his team of developers have invented an information security system that may revolutionize the way organizations protect themselves from cyber-attacks. 它被称为STP Black, and it automates a process that typically involves countless man hours and cumbersome processes. 

Wright’s company, STP Ventures, subscribes to a wide range of the world’s top threat databases. By developing STP Black (patent pending), 帕特里克, along with co-founder Sheryl Pierce and their team, have created an automated solution that integrates data from those databases and automatically feeds clients critical information required to stop those threats. Most importantly it updates that information on a rolling 15 minute window. 

“The threats are verified and well researched,” says Wright. Again, it’s all automatic, no human interaction required. STP Black parses everything from IP Addresses and URLs related to an attack, along with file hashes associated with the attack files. Within 15 minutes of a new threat being uploaded to a monitored database, STP Black has already collected the critical information and updated the customer firewall to block the threat. 

“A great real-world example of this would be the recent WannaCry Ransomware attack.  A short time after it hit, a file hash was identified and uploaded to many of the threat databases. That was a crucial piece of information in the early prevention of the attack. STP Black syndicated that file hash to our customers within 15 minutes of it becoming available – a response that would be difficult for many IT department to match, especially in the wee hours of a Saturday morning – even more so for IT departments at small to medium sized businesses.” 

While STP Black has had a rather quiet, initial rollout, IT professionals are taking notice. “STP Black provides protection in such a way that small- and medium-sized businesses are able to have the same peace of mind that was previously available only to massive companies with dozens of information security engineers dedicated to real-time defense,基恩·马修斯说, CISSP, a Vice President and Senior Tech Manager with a large national bank. 

“STP Black is an example of what I challenge all my students to be able to do upon graduation,博士说。. 迈克尔•马丁, Computer and Information Science Program Director at 十大正规网堵平台’s 夏洛特 campus. “Take the skills they learn and synthesize solutions for problems with them.” 

For more information, please contact 十大正规平台 Director of Marketing at 757.490.9090 or publicrelations@caloteiro.net.


十大正规网堵平台 is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award the associate's, 学士学位, 还有硕士学位和文凭. SACSCOC is the regional body for the accreditation of degree-granting higher education institutions in the Southern states. 1966年成立的私立大学, 十大正规网堵平台 has campuses in 维吉尼亚州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, 和佛罗里达, and offers convenient classes during the day, 晚上, and online; graduate employment services, 继续教育, 认证类, 测试也是可用的.                       

在校园里或网上, fields of study include: HEALTH SCIENCES: Master of Science in 护理, 护理(注册护士至注册护士), BS转BSN, 护理(RN), 实际的护理, 医疗管理, 健康信息管理, 物理治疗师助理, 按摩 治疗, Dental Assisting, 医疗协助, x线摄影,超声检查, 外科手术技术; TECHNOLOGY: Master of Science in 信息系统, 网络安全理学硕士, 网络与网络安全, 信息系统,  软件开发, 云计算, 网络开发,  数据库编程, 电子工程技术, 机电一体化/先进制造, 机械工程技术; BUSINESS AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE: 工商管理硕士 (MBA), 会计, 工商管理, IT管理, 酒店管理, 刑事司法, 国土安全; CULINARY: 烹饪艺术, 烹饪营养, 餐饮服务管理, 烘焙及糕点艺术. (Program field availability varies by campus.)欲了解更多信息,请访问iw.caloteiro.net. 


十大正规网堵平台 Director of Marketing - 757.490.9090或publicrelations@caloteiro.net