What is an Accelerated Degree? Take the faster path to graduation.
What is an Accelerated Degree

加速学位课程是一种教育课程,允许学生比传统学位课程更快地完成毕业要求. 速成学位课程通常是为那些希望尽快获得学位的忙碌的成年学生设计的, or who have military educational benefits they’d like to utilize. 这些更快的十大正规平台也可能对那些积极性高、能够处理更密集课程负荷的学生有吸引力.

How Can a Four-Year Degree Program Be Completed in as little as 2.5年?

Some universities condense a four-year bachelor's degree program into 2.5年. This can be done by offering a more intensive course schedule, 学生每5周上两节课,而不是传统的每一个月上一到两节课. By taking two classes per 5-week term, students can complete the same number of classes in a shorter period of time. This is what allows them to graduate in less than four years: 

  • Traditional 学士 degree program:
    • 120 credits ÷ 15 credits earned per semester = 8 semesters (4 years) 
      • Semesters are 15 - 17 weeks long
      • 每学期三节课 
  • Accelerated 学士 degree program: 
    • 120 credits ÷ 20 credits earned per term = 6 terms (2.5年) 
      • 学期为5周
      • 每学期两节课 

加速学位课程每五周学期有两个五学分的课程,使学生能够在短短6个学期内完成相同数量的学分(120), or 2.5年!

需要注意的是,速成学位课程可能比传统课程更密集、要求更高. 仔细考虑速成十大正规平台是否适合你的生活方式总是一个好主意. Research and visit any accelerated colleges and universities in your area. 参观校园, 或者在开放日拜访你,他们会非常乐意带你四处看看,并向你解释日程安排是如何进行的.

Does an Accelerated Degree Program Compromise Quality?

与传统学位课程一样,速成学位课程的质量也不尽相同. 确定一所大学是否提供优质教育的最有效方法是检查其认证状态. 这是一个第三方质量审查过程,这是一个简单的方法来辨别它是否是一所学校 ... 或者是骗局. 

因为认证是一个严格的过程,最终的地位是一种骄傲, 确定一所学术机构是否获得认可应该不难. 检查 大学的网站、审查 认证数据库, or call the admissions department

Don't Wait to Learn More 关于十大正规网堵平台's Degree 十大正规平台!

What to Look for in an Accelerated Degree Program

An accelerated degree program typically moves fast, 在短时间内涵盖大量材料,然后迅速转移到下一个主题. 正因为如此, 找一所强调通过实验练习来学习的大学是个好主意, 先进的模拟, 研讨会, 校外实习期, 和更多的.

沉浸式学习是最流行的理解方法之一,这意味着你更有可能记住你做过的事情, 不仅仅是了解.


  • 认证:确保该计划由公认的认证机构认证. 认证确保该计划符合一定的质量和学术严谨性标准.
  • 教师:寻找有经验和高素质的教师,他们是各自领域的专家的十大正规平台.
  • 课程:寻找一个全面和全面的课程,涵盖了你学习领域的关键概念和技能.
  • 学生支持服务:了解该十大正规平台提供什么样的支持服务, 比如辅导, 学术顾问, 以及就业咨询. These services can be particularly important in an accelerated program, as the pace of study may be more intense.
  • 毕业率和就业率:寻找毕业率和就业率高的十大正规平台, 因为这可以表明该计划的质量及其为学生毕业后的成功做好准备的能力.

What Kinds of 学生 Benefit Most from an Accelerated Degree Program?

如果你有一个明确的目标,想要尽快进入职场, an accelerated degree program may be a good fit. Because of the intensive nature of an accelerated degree program, you’ll need strong discipline and organizational skills.

速成学位课程可能比传统课程更密集、要求更高, 因为他们要求学生在较短的时间内完成大量的学分. 那些积极性高、能够应付更密集课程负荷的学生可能非常适合速成课程.

If you have already completed some college coursework, 加速学位课程可以让你在较短的时间内获得学位,把你以前的学分用在你的学位上. 这将在很大程度上取决于你以前的学术机构是否被认可.

一些速成课程允许有相关工作或军事经验的学生获得先前学习或体验式学习的学分, which can save time and money on their degree. 一定要向招生代表询问他们的转学分政策, 如果这适用于你.

Why Choose an Accelerated Degree Program?


  • 为了节省时间和金钱:加速学位课程可以让你在更短的时间内获得学位, which can save you time and money on tuition and other expenses.
  • To get a head start: By earning your degree in a shorter period, you can start working in your new field sooner.
  • 利用先前学习或体验式学习:一些速成课程允许学生通过先前学习或体验式学习获得学分, which can save time and money on their degree.
  • 为了达到特定的学术或职业目标:如果你有一个明确的目标,需要一个学位, an accelerated program may allow you to score more quickly.

Where Could I Earn an Accelerated Degree?

At 十大正规网堵平台, you could earn a bachelor’s degree in as little as 2.5年—or an associate degree in as little as 1.5年. Our instructors are seasoned, our education is immersive, and our students graduate with firsthand experience in their chosen field. 如果你正在考虑成年后重返大学,那就选择捷径吧-可能是 BEST Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about 十大正规网堵平台's College of 技术 TODAY!

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